
We are constantly thinking about how the design industry has the opportunity to shape the future of what people choose to enhance their homes and their lives.   You know we consider this a huge privilege.  We welcome 2020 as a grand year knowing that we will be embracing new generations of customers.  My own children are developing their tastes and what I call nesting.  We recently helped our daughter with the remodel of her kitchen and now her nursery for a baby girl coming at the end of May.  My daughter knew the particular items she wanted for her kitchen remodel: gold accents, blue bath cabinets, and an octogen marble backsplash.  I have no doubt that Pinterest had an influence on her decisions, but we gave her options and she and her husband made selections to the best of their ability, although, she relinquished many of the decisions to her mother when it became overwhelming for her.  Her new kitchen, laundry room, and powder room gave her l980’s home more useable space and is much brighter to boot.