In the sphere we are in, we see everything as beauty. Home furnishings, redoing a room with a brighter paint color, new rug, new pillows, remodeling a kitchen or bath. All homes have something of beauty to work with. Beauty manifests itself in the simplest things, a clean kitchen, a well-made bed, embroidered curtains, and soft bedding. I appreciate my parent’s influence on me because they liked beautiful things for our home. What this taught me as a young person was to create timeless beautiful homes for our clients. I do not doubt that what I learned as a child and my exposure to their world and my grandparent’s world made me what I am today. My Uncle took me to auctions with him when I was 10 to 14 years old. I absorbed what I saw and was taught and stored those teachings in my memory. My entire family influenced what I do today. Spring is a few weeks away and most are starting to feel the need to change a few things. I know I am contemplating new pillows for my family room. Fresh colors, whether in fabrics or paint colors, will do wonders for your home and how you feel in it. Beauty is All Around.