
After five days at market, I can sum up our week by saying that we saw banquettes in every showroom with round tables.  We investigated their construction to determine if they could stand up to children and pets, since round tables are normally associated with breakfast room seating.

I tried to think of all the places where I could recommend a banquette for my clients.  I have to say that the showrooms had marvelous displays of bright fabrics and neutral fabrics, but most still displayed the banquette seating with round tables.  One in particular, by Suzanne Kasler with Hickory Chair, had the capability of a sleeper air mattress.  What a genius idea.   It was also slip covered and had a skirt with lovely proportions all decked out in white fabric and bright pillows.

My thoughts are that a banquette could serve three-fold in the kitchen area: to become the kid’s place to lounge and do homework, as well as seating for dinner at the table.  Additionally, it could also serve as a sleeper bed for extra company.  How grand is that?