
My previous blog suggested that you jot down a list of bottlenecks and clutter in your home. Did you come up with a few ideas or a few pages? It’s important to have a clear idea of your goals, then start with a simple refresh, a few areas at a time. Experiment with inexpensive baskets, bins, and hooks. Try different sizes and shapes. Think of this as creating specific ‘stations’. You’ll quickly learn if these simple tools are effective and then can be applied when designing permanent solutions. Here are a few examples.

  • Technology Station – Cell phones, tables & laptop charging station
  • Kids Depot – Backpacks & athletic equipment
  • Seasonal Station – Boots, sweats, sunscreen & pool towels
  • Pet Center – Leash, treats, clean up bags & clean up rags

You’ll quickly learn if these simple tools are effective and then can be applied when designing permanent solutions.