As we go into the season for the Parade of Homes showcases, we strive to design the most fabulous kitchens. Kitchens are so important to a customer when considering a home, whether new or old. When you start a kitchen revision, think about a list of choices you will be making. If you hire a professional designer, they can normally make decisions in their sleep. But, if you are one of those people who want to do things yourself, we have listed a few hints. Start by choosing the cabinet company of your choice and the remodeler who will be removing the old and making the alterations. The remodeler will have his own electricians and plumbers. Next you should start selecting the following: granite, tile, lighting, hardware, flooring, plumbing fixtures, and miscellaneous items. There are many choices to be made, and last but not least, will be the need to select a paint color or wall treatment. If you save the professional designer for anything, let it be the paint color. Paints are the hardest selections to make for every single person. I would choose a seasoned person for this job.