
Get Cozy!

When you think of comfort and beauty, what do you envision?  From front door to your kitchen cabinets, think about what works for you.   For me, walking into a room means finding an inviting place to sit.  If there is no place to sit comfortably, I am not going to...

Is Downsizing on the Roadmap for You?

We are receiving more and more calls from clients desiring to downsize or move.  Clients of all generations, including both Gen X and Millennials, are on the move.  They are asking for help with the entire process.   June DeLugas Interiors, Inc. is the place for...

The Outdoors is Calling Us

Spring market this year had to be cancelled; however, despite the pandemic and shutdown, our manufactures were kind enough to mail us catalogs, samples, and fabrics. With each turn of the page, there is an air of contagious excitement and optimism with all the new...

Pillow Talk, Colorful and Classic

With hopefully the coronavirus behind us, I am so excited by the promise of Spring.  A friend had to stage a mini intervention when she saw the rainbow of bright and pastel colors she had viewed at a local paint store.  Spring is the season for sprucing up the home! ...

Picture Perfect & Nature Inspired

With the winter we had this year, most families can’t wait to go outside.  Customers asks us what advice do we have for clients who want to have design work done for their outdoor living spaces?    They tell us they have been contemplating, and procrastinating, this...

Design Team Dreaming for You at June DeLugas Interiors, Inc.

So, what to write about this month.  I see so much these days in advertisements, market ads, and magazine ads that have the word dream in it.   Naturally, a light bulb goes off in my head that this is a great subject to write about this month.  Here we are in the year...