Most people do not consider their master bedroom important and choose to wait to redecorate and update it. I am going to give you reasons to think differently and start redoing or re-inventing your master bedroom now.
Think about luxury bedding as a place to rest, to read or to be away from the kids. It needs to be as if you were going on a girl’s weekend in the mountains or to the beach. You should think of your bedroom as this same kind of retreat. Master bedroom designs can be simple and clean and you do not need to spend a lot of money. The one important item that you should treat yourself with is a luxurious set of sheets. You will never go back to cheap sheets again once you try them. The same goes for pillows to sleep on. Coverlets should also be made of fine soft cotton and washable.
A few photos will help you imagine your premier design for your next project—the master bedroom.