The word transitional shows up a lot lately in many of the literature we receive, from the Interior Design world to the Furniture Market’s retail magazines.
Here are a few ideas to blend French country, cottage, modern, or traditional for you to think about if you are considering remodeling or building.
1. Choose modern focal pieces such as chrome, glass and stone, which add luster and interest.
2. Integrate new materials, like tile and granite, with your cabinetry.
3. Mix art styles to accommodate the clean feel with French country,
4. Use unexpected accent colors. A bright pop of yellow, poppy, or green can even things out with the mix.
5. Cut back the clutter. Less is now more.
With the photos attached, this client wanted a French country look, but more open and transitional. We were able to marry that look into this fabulously large space. There is a keeping room now open to the kitchen. The client’s most cherished items immediately shine with the paring down of some of the furniture and accessories.