
Your home is where happiness starts, so let’s get busy with making it special. Make your space your own. You want your home to say “Relax” with us. Have you thought about the colors of your home and whether you really like blue or yellow or green? Think about the color that makes you happy. I know for myself that I have always liked blue. As I began my collecting of antiques at l4 years old, blue and white pottery was one of the first items I was drawn to. Still today, it is my favorite decorative accent.

I also suggest to my clients to put things around you that make you feel good.  Even if it is one nice painting that you enjoy, having it in your home can instigate the progress of decorating around it with more favorite heirlooms or new items you have found you love. A professional interior designer can help you pull it all together and feel that “Happiness” you deserve in your home.