
June DeLugas Interiors is excited to be part of the Brenner’s Children’s Hospital Festival of Trees Thanksgiving Weekend at the Education Building of the Fairgrounds! Come see our tree and participate in this wonderful rite of the Holidays with gingerbread houses, activities for children, holiday music AND Santa Claus with Mrs. Claus! Here’s a run down of the event:

Help decorate a “special” tree for the families at Brenner Children’s Hospital.

Bring toiletries and other items to the Festival!
Needed items are: baby spoons, sippee cups, fingernail files, cartoon character band-aids, travel size toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, shampoo, and Kleenex

Special Events with Separate Ticket Purchase
•Gingerbread Cookie Party, Friday, November 18, 3 pm-4:30 pm
•Holiday Girls’ Night Out, Friday, November 18, 6 pm-9 pm
Click here to purchase your Holiday Girls Night Out tickets

Tickets to the Gingerbread Cookie Party and Holiday Girls Night Out are ONLY avaliable
on-line or by calling the Development Office at (336) 716-7985.

•Saturday, November 19, 9 am-6 pm
•Sunday, November 20, Noon-5 pm
Education Building on the Dixie Classic Fairgrounds