
We have clients that come into our store desperately needing paint colors. They have made their rounds to the paint stores trying to figure out what color or colors to use before the painter comes the next day. It can be a painful experience for some and the best advice I can give you is this, “hire a professional designer to help you select your paint colors”. This will be the best money you will ever spend (testimony from Connie in Clemmons).

My husband tells me all the time, “You have a gift from God with selecting colors for your clients”. After finishing a tour of the granite warehouses yesterday with a client, I realize that this gift also extends to our entire decorating world, every moment of every day. It was so easy for me to quickly see the granite choices and narrow it down to what we could use. I compartmentalize the entire room and pull the pieces out of memory, as needed, to select the right colors for the project at hand. Choosing granite is probably as hard as trying to select paint colors. Whether it is choosing colors for your walls, repainting cabinets and furniture, or for counter tops, don’t waste your time or rip your own hair out just to end up unhappy with your choice. Let us help you with our gift; make the process easier for you, and save you a bundle of time. It will be worth it.