I am so grateful for any gatherings that my family can do, especially around holidays. The journey may be too far for some out-of-state or for some other reason, but we can still celebrate the season in high spirits. If you need something to do to entertain visiting relatives and friends, there are so many events that Winston-Salem and the surrounding areas provide. One of my favorites is Tanglewood Lights. We will try to take our granddaughter when she visits for the holidays. I am not sure she is old enough to sit long in the car while waiting to drive through and still marvel at the decorations. For your home, create a low ambiance of lighting in as many places as you can. It is the best decorating tool we have. There are candle lights in the market that are LED, so you can’t go wrong. I love real candles too for that warm glow and pine scent. I finished all my rooms’ accent decorating, as well as the tree, this past weekend for my home. My husband has been helpful since I delegate much to him. Bringing out the family decorations and keepsake treasures passed down is important and will be a memorable conversation for all. We wish your holidays to be Merry and Bright.