
Congratulations, ladies! You’ve just completed the Mommy Marathon. You have just survived the month of September. You have done all the
prep work, taxi driving, shopping, and scheduling necessary to send your offspring back to school or college. While you were checking off the lists
of things to do for your children, you were most likely working, taking care of the family pet, and on top of everything else… trying to lose 10 pounds.  I am worn out just thinking about it.

For those of you suffering the nostalgic pain of an empty nest, know that it does get better – much better! In the past, I have written articles about
how to transform your empty nest into a man cave or home office. This month, I want to you all to do something to celebrate you! Do something
to feather YOUR empty nest.

Don’t get stressed about this project…that is the last thing you need.  What I would like to encourage all my female readers to do this month is
to celebrate the wonderful things you do for everyone else by doing something for yourself. One of my friends was ill recently and spoke about
how grateful she was for all the things people had done for her. I couldn’t help but notice that the names she mentioned were women. What would we do without our girlfriends?

Forget the man caves, forget the home office. For October, I encourage you to tackle a design project that creates a space that you and your friends will enjoy! Splurge on something bright in your kitchen or some great art that you have had your eye on. Go out and purchase it with the same vigor you had when you bought your child the perfect bedspread for her dorm. Better yet, create a coffee nook or guest bedroom cozy enough to
make you want to invite a neighbor in for a cup of joe or your former college roommate for a weekend visit.

Adding life to the spaces you live in is like getting a good haircut. It gives you confidence, energy, and puts a little spark back in your eye. If decorating stresses you out, call or visit our store. Someone from our design team can help you celebrate yourself and your nest!
