
Are you in for a dramatic makeover or do you want to create symmetry around your fireplace?   A dramatic makeover usually means paint color changes, furniture upgrades, lamps, and artwork.  Design teams can coordinate dramatic looks for you.  Most people are afraid of color and do not know how to use it.  Fireplace symmetry is generally easy.  If you need to add bookcases for symmetry, a designer normally has woodworkers they can call to do the job and the designer can create a CAD drawing for the craftsman to use to build.  The good thing about a CAD drawing and renderings is we can actually show the client what it is going to look like in a perspective view.   Most people find bookcases intimidating, as well.   Sometimes, we have to eliminate what is there and start over with the mantle and surround to get the effect we are going for.   One project we worked on needed someone to help them visualize and build a wall of shelving and moldings to create a balanced look to their asymmetrical off-set fireplace.   Most of the time when you go into a project, there are no two sides that match equally.   That might have been the intent of the contractor, but we find ways create a balanced look.   Sometimes as a member of the design and remodeling industry, we actually like the imperfect asymmetry of some rooms.   But you always have that engineer, doctor, or accountant that their brains cannot adapt.   We get that.   My husband is an engineer, and I find him very helpful.  I like seeing his side of design.  I think by being married to an engineer, it has helped me to see other perspectives.  Remember the simple way to add dramatic interest to a room is to add textures and it will immediately uplift the room.   Ask the reno pros.