Working with clients to create their dream home or update a room gives us so much pleasure. One of our client’s recent request was to simplify their home so they can love it again. We first have to ascertain what they really mean. Would that indicate that their family lives are too busy or their home is too cluttered? We have found that most families’ impression of happiness and togetherness is having family time in the kitchen or more family time altogether. We are good at finding solutions to their aspiration and any special issues. Kitchens and keeping rooms are very important to the need of spending time together. Those open spaces cannot be too large due to feeling overwhelmed. A nice workable kitchen with a pantry, plenty of barstools, and a sitting area is what we hear most of the time. The children and their friends all congregate to eat, talk, and laugh there. Main level living is additionally something important to our clients. Master bedroom suites and maybe another bedroom on the main level is yet another request if our clients are building a new home with each having their own bathroom. We helped a client last year with their loggia, which provided an extra eating area outdoors for their guests when the weather was nice. It was directly off the open family and kitchen living room making the loggia an extension of the entire gathering space.
Now is the time to start think about remodeling your home to make it simply stunning and happy.