These two names are synonymous with today’s world and how we see design. Our local Home Builders mentioned to me that when they visit high schools and trade schools, the students are most interested in design. Compared to 25 years ago, that is a huge increase. We welcome interns into our business to see how it operates from start to finish. Since we offer turnkey designing including remodeling, we are a little different than other design firms. We start with the client get their perspective on what they see in today’s market before we begin. The definition of start to finish means materials selections for remodeling, colors, fabrics, and furniture for other parts of the house. Sometimes we order rugs as well. A complete design package is what we do best and love. Style is what one person sees it to be. We love classic design that will never go out. We also love the trends of everything new but put it all into perspective with the client and what they want. I can see how it is a confusing market for those starting out. I see more and more of the younger generation going back to what they grew up with and it is a potent force towards traditional mixed. Think of both Style and Design when you begin your next project. More and more folks are remodeling and staying in their homes for a longer period. Invest in your future, your home.