
These days we are spending a lot of our time sourcing just the right rug for the projects we are working on. We carry in our Studio/Retail Shoppe a substantial number of samples, but even that does not always end with the rug we envision for the project at hand. We have catalogs galore and we can view most of our vendors online with a password. We also have a source that makes rugs from sample pom poms of colors from which we can select. Of course, the custom-made oriental rugs are our last resort because of the cost. The point is he can make them with robust color or washed softened color. It takes time, but that is the fun of it all. We consider the rug the perfect foundation for any room to add interest. My home is full of antique rugs that I do not think I will ever get tired of. It took me years to collect them to fit my rooms and taste. I do not waver away from the style because I can put abstract paintings, modern fabric pillows, or just about any style with these rugs if I decide to reinvent a room. You can imagine that we see so much and changing rooms in our homes is often tempting. We are often presented with homes that want to decorate with accents of rugs and curtains before purchasing the rugs. Our only choice at that juncture is to work with the rug they have. Think about hiring a professional to help you with your next rug purchase.