Sometimes designers are described as creators and producers. The real meaning is that we plan something beautiful and implement it. We can walk into a room and know that something is wanting. It could be as simple as the placement of furnishings or sometimes there is an off color. But we are planners and sourcing materials makes us the author of our clients’ projects. We have been working on furnishing an entire townhome this whole year. We started at the end of 2021, planning, sourcing, and the last step, ordering. Materials and furnishings have trickled in. We delivered the living room, patio, 2 bedrooms, rugs, art, and accessories. Only a few items are missing – artwork for one room, the master bed, one runner for the kitchen, a dresser for one guest room, and barstools for the kitchen. We should finish by mid-November. These days planning is so important because you can’t just run to the store and produce an entire house without a designer planning your space and ordering the proper furniture to fit. Our clients continually tell us that this home is their favorite place to go. It is inviting and comfortable. They stay in W-S when they go to ballgames and to visit family. Their family stays in the townhome as well when they travel through Winston-Salem. Their family tells them the same thing about the feel of the home. Our client wanted a botanical theme throughout, and we gave it to them. Blues and greens. Timeless Touch Design will bring them much joy.