Wallpaper has become quite popular within the design world. Lifting a space with fun wallpaper can be fun and tempting. We use it on accent walls, whole powder rooms, dining rooms, and sometimes kitchens, depending on the space that needs drama. At our design firm, we create whole design concepts. The good part about our team is we turnkey the project. Measure, order, and install. If the room needs to be painted on other walls, we will take care of that as well. Designers are more and more involved with projects and clients want them to manage the project. Because we also have our contractor’s license, we can offer more. We create CAD drawings and implement what we design. We feel so fortunate that we have such a great architectural design team, and our workroom has all the tools needed to do their jobs. Think about your next wallpaper job. If you look at magazines or the internet social media, I’m sure you have seen wallpaper showing up everywhere. We feel connections with our clients and see what they see in 3-D.