This past weekend was the annual Winston-Salem Triad Home and Garden Show sponsored by the Home Builder’s Association of Winston-Salem. Builders and vendors alike displayed their latest and greatest of ideas. I perused the aisles looking for new ideas myself so that I can share what I see with my clients. I have been a learning machine for many years and always open to new and fresh inspiration. I am not one of those designers that do not accept change. I love change. In today’s environment, there is nothing but change.
Back by popular demand are more surface options for kitchen and baths. Caesar Stone is a great new product. It is manmade, non-porous, and has some of the most beautiful finishes I have ever seen. There are grays, crèmes, whites, browns and even reds. Glass is making a new introduction to surfacing in our kitchens and décor. In the past, glass was used somewhat only in modern designs. Now I can see it in any environment mixed with other elements.
I also checked out all the cabinet artisans. I am always looking for the best possible proposals with cabinetry. Kitchen and bath designs are a big part of our design firm’s abilities. What I saw at this show was clean lines and every color in the spectrum. With kitchen design, it is only as good as you plan it. Thinking through all the possibilities is important and the kitchen is a place that you will need a great deal of professional help.