
Summertime Fun

We think of summertime as a time when we can grill food, work in the yard, and get some sunshine.  These days, it is not about cookouts with groups of people, but more with the immediate family.  Therefore, we should work on creating an outdoor living space we love. ...

Fresh and Versatile

Some people may think of fresh as newly painted and some may think of flowers in a garden that they can pick for their house as fresh.  We love the idea of new fabrics that add to the newly painted house and the versatility of a vase of flowers from the garden.  We...

Pillow Talk, Colorful and Classic

With hopefully the coronavirus behind us, I am so excited by the promise of Spring.  A friend had to stage a mini intervention when she saw the rainbow of bright and pastel colors she had viewed at a local paint store.  Spring is the season for sprucing up the home! ...