
Spotted Lamp

Fun Lamp with Spots!  2 Available 34″H x Widest Dia.: 4-5/8” Shade is 16x17x11 Max Wattage: 150 Switch: 3-Way Retail: $400.00 Our Price: $358.00 each

Weekly Design Projects: Colors

This has been an exciting three months.  For the past 90-days, three different clients have told us that we should be thinking of their baby nurseries.   This is such an invigorating experience to share with clients.  To have the honor of decorating is a privilege,...

Design Strategies for 2019 Showcase Parade of Homes

We are always excited when the builder brings plans for us to review.   Sometimes we suggest changes and this year was no different.  We loved the open feel and all the light that the plan offered.  So, we went about our normal procedure with our design inspiration,...

Deck the Halls

Family keepsakes, ribbon, vintage garland, red and green balls, memories, and a variety of ornaments adorn Christmas trees throughout the many homes we visit during this time of the year.  Snowmen made from old chenille bedspreads and a hand-painted Santa Clause are...