
Inside a Designer’s Psyche

Have you often wondered why adept designers have the ability to immediately say what  accessory you need, where to place a lamp, how large a rug is required under the dining room table, and how to pick the right fabric for your furniture?    The answer is experience,...

Custom Comfy

Our store is well known for beautiful bedding, from more than one vendor.  June is very particular about how the beds look in our Clemmons store and in customer’s homes.  We are privy to custom wood, upholstery, and just about any bed frame available on the market. ...

Treasures to Cherish

A visitor to our showroom and design center used the words fresh and fabulous to describe what she saw when she entered our store.  This description was music to my ears, as we are always striving to create an inspiring environment.   I love to engage in conversation...