
Visions for the Future of Your Design Projects

It is an exciting time to be a designer.  We see all the new movements on the horizon.  We just finished the Atlanta market and came back excited to help clients with their projects with new inspirations.  There is a trend to freshen up palettes.  We are receiving...

2019 and New Design Ideas

It is that time of year again for the winter market in Atlanta.  I am excited to be going!  We are returning vintage rugs that we bought back in December to try at client’s homes.  Two of the rugs worked, and it feels like such an accomplishment.  Rugs are difficult...

Home Trends for 2018

I have been watching the home décor trends and what the industry experts predict and would love to share what I have learned.  Americans are looking for their homes to be restful and soothing, yet at the same time stylish.  More and more people are interested in...