
Harmonious Colors

When we started with the design of this home, we found it very pleasant to work with a professional who was also the fabric’s sales representative.  We had plenty of fabrics to choose from to pull a beautiful setting together.  My first recommendation was to try and...

Sophisticated Simplicity

At the market last week, we saw everything from sophisticated simplicity to complicated when it comes to design and retail.  Pillows are all the hype and can easily be swapped out for an instant change to a room.  The colors and patterns to select from are enormous. ...

Spring Thoughts for Your Decor

After the passing rain and snow filled winter days, we can look forward to getting ready for great weather.  I know I am ready, how about you?  For many of us, the Spring season brings about a feeling of renewal, and Spring cleaning often gives way to Spring...

Fresh Start

Market is in a few weeks and I always think about the words “Fresh Start” when I go to market for basically fresh ideas.  Fresh ideas for Spring, because we in North Carolina normally start to see signs of Spring before now.  But, daffodils are blooming, and trees are...

Durable Fabrics and Decor

We are being bombarded with performance fabrics and it is being asked for by all of our clients.  Performance fabrics could mean Sunbrella fabrics, Crypton fabrics, and those just called Performance fabrics.  All our upholstery manufacturers are offering a variety of...