
Tuesday’s Tip – April Showers Bring May Flowers

When a client asks my design team to accessorize, we always make room for a vase of fresh flowers. Seasonal greenery and flowers can be used for any occasion and a nice vase is well worth the money. Flowers provide an organic, colorful accent in a room while creating...

Tuesday’s Tip – Breathe New Light Into Your Interiors

Now is the time with all the flowers blooming for inspiration of colors to consider some refreshing new ideas for your home. Home comforts are important when making decisions about new purchases. With all the new colors that we saw a few weeks ago, it should not be...

What to expect at Triad Parade of Homes!

What can I expect from the Triad Parade of Homes?  Expect a great time enjoying beautiful homes and spotting trends!  June is excited about her work on Huntcliff and Brookberry Farm!  “Each home is unique with special little extras that will give our fans and clients...