
Classic And Colorful Designs

In most homes that we visit, the kitchen is the heart of the house. Today’s nature of the domicile demands multifunctional purposes. Whether it is for eating, homework for the children, or a gathering spot in the heart of the home, we are adapting to new needs....

Bringing Clients Joy with Design

The ultimate goal when we help clients with their homes is the finished house should radiate unabashed joy for the owners who will love every nook and cranny.  We are always working on multiple projects and the same result is desired by our clients.  Joy is the moment...

Currently Classic

What do you think of when you say Classic:  French Classic, English Classic, or beloved treasures left behind by loved ones? Classic Southern is showing up everywhere and I’ve noticed it for a while at markets and magazines.  But lately, it has exploded.  When clients...

Design Workspace

Our Design Firm is happy in our workspace these days with all the samples we need at our beck and call.  We feel like our office is kind of a creative temple where all our inspirational tools are in one place.  Our office is filled with samples from all over the...

To Choose Design

When we go into homes, we can feel the soul of the house. It may take time for us to process, but when we finish the spirit will not be broken. Sometimes we run into clients who fight the soul of their homes. The best we can do is suggest. We make suggestions based on...


We are in a new year and the word that comes to mind is Fresh. Many of our past clients are calling us to get on our calendar to create a fresh new look. Some are moving, some are getting married, and some are just asking us to reinvent their current residence. After...